Line Stripping

Whether it's a shopping center, apartment complex, hospital, or any standalone business in Union County or Delaware County, Ohio, the project won’t be complete without a parking area to serve it.

Why Striping is Necessary

If you’ve ever walked through a large parking lot during the holiday season in Union County or Delaware County, Ohio, you know how dangerous they can sometimes be. People in vehicles searching for a place to park or how to exit a lot don’t always follow the rules of the road.

This is where striping is so important. Striping defines traffic flow for parking lots. It demonstrates to drivers where and at what angles they may park their vehicles and, conversely, where they should drive to access or to leave designated parking areas.

Striping is also used to set boundaries for pedestrian crosswalks, no parking loading zones, and specially designated parking places for handicapped persons or spaces where EV vehicles can be charged. In simplest terms, a good striping layout that defines traffic flow for parking lots helps ensure a safer experience for everyone.